Sunday, September 14, 2008

I like Ike!

Soo hurricane Ike made landfall in Galveston as a category 2. A large category 2. Winds of 110 mph. Beaches were destroyed, downtown Houston is a mess, and even my hometown just north of it is pretty ugly...or so I heard.

And I missed the whole damn thing!

If the higher powers that be know one thing about me, they know that I love love LOVE natural disasters. And the first time one makes a beeline for my house--I'm away at school! Anyway, I can't really reach my family cause cell phone towers are down, but I can look at pictures. Rumor has it, they're gonna be out of power for 2 weeks. So they might either drive up this way, or go to Georgia and stay with the folks.

Man, my school is right in Tornadoe Alley. If I don't get at least one funnel, there'll be hell to pay.


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